Grainy Texture Background

Hi, I'm Melanie

UGC Creator & Creative Strategist

mails  letter  envelope  mail

St​uttgart, Germany

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Grainy Texture Background
Brown Brush Swatches
Brown Brush Swatches

about me

I am a 24 year old model and full time content and UGC creator ​from Germany.

Besides my main niche beauty, I love to empathize with your ​customers and present your product in the best way possible!

With a background in Corporate Communications, I’ve developed ​a strong foundation in effective brand messaging and audience ​engagement. My work as a UGC creator allows me to blend my ​love for videography with the excitement of being in front of the ​camera. I’m always dedicated to crafting authentic and relatable ​content that resonates with your audience and elevates your ​brand.

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trusted by 100+ brands

... and more!

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Do you want to hop on the newest trend? Fun edits are currently very interesting and grant a high watch time and lots of engagement!

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

What’s in my Bag

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Get Ready With Me

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Makeup Hack​

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

So​und Sync

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Shower Routine ​

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Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Face Brush Ad

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Skincare Ad​ /GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Glow Booster ​Organ​ic

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Lipgloil Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Spa Ad / ENG

Grainy Texture Background


Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Advent Calendar Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Watch Ad /GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Jewelry Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Black Friday Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Jewelry Ad / GER

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hair care

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Curl Products Ad

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Curly hair style ​organ​ic

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hair routine ​organic​

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hair Mask Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hair product organic

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Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Live Fresh Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Coffe Ad/ GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Knorr Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Sirups organic

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Jar Ad / GER

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Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Stronger Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Socks Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Ba​g Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Oceans Apart Ad / ENG

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Second Hand ​Ad

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Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Telekom Ad​ / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hermes Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hinge Ad / GER

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone


Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

BookBeat Ad / GER

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one video - 3 hooks

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hook 1

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hook 2

Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone

Hook 3

One video - 3 hooks, also called ABC - Testing is an excellent way to try out different hooks and test which one your customers respond best to. It's a win win for both sides: you get three videos while I have to record one with just a little extra effort!



Vielen Dank für das Video.Es ist richtig toll geworden und du siehst hammer aus 😍


Wir sind begeistert! Ist wirklich toll geworden. Und dein Voice Over klingt so angenehm, tolle Arbeit!


Uuuhh I love it!! Meeega genauso hatte ich es mir vorgestellt!! 😍 Tausend Dank dir, so so gut!

Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle erneut für deine tolle Arbeit, deine verständnisvolle Art und vor allem aber auch für die stetige schnelle Lieferung deiner Videos bedanken. Ich danke dir für deine Offenheit und deine wahnsinnige Kreativität!

Wir sind absolut begeistert, ist wirklich 100% passend zur Brand und die Produkte hast du super angewandt, herzlichen Dank 💖

Ich bin großer Fan von deiner enthusiastischen Art, den Looks, den Transitions und dem Sonnenlicht, das ist wirklich stark.

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  • Concept and Script
  • Creative Strategy
  • Voiceover Videos
  • How to Videos
  • Testimonials and Reviews
  • Product Showcasing
  • Vlogs
  • Unboxing and ASMR
  • Dog content (Australian Shepherd x Bernese Mountain Dog Mix)
  • Lifestyle / UGC Photos
  • Airbnb / Travel content
Brown Brush Swatches

Services upon request:

  • alternative hooks
  • whitelisting
  • additonal revisions
  • individual packages
  • raw material
Grainy Texture Background
Brown Paper Texture

Melanie Wagner

let's work together

mails  letter  envelope  mail

Let's connect:

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Melanie Wagner

Kirchstr.12 72116 Mössingen


Telefon: +49 15782345660



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